LBM CONSTRUCTION CORP. will provide full Construction Services and Specialized Professional Services for other construction companies.
The scope of work is based on the deep Knowledge and experience that Mr. Orlando Braga de Almeida acquired on over 35 years professional experience, working as an entrepreneur in Brazil.
Mr. Orlando Braga de Almeida has extensive experience as entrepreneur and has built his career in Brazil focused mainly on the services industry.
His knowledge on business administration, strategic administration and planning, among others, brings Mr. Almeida, in to an outstanding position to conduct.
LBM CONSTRUCTION CORP. to become very successful.
The endeavor will directly benefit and be very important for the USA economy.
The Construction sector provides services across a wide variety of client markets, including the residential, industrial, commercial and institutional building subsectors.
2023 © LBM Construction Corp. Todos os direitos reservados.